Source code for hgvs.dataproviders.uta

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""implements an hgvs data provider interface using UTA


from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import contextlib
import inspect
import logging
import os
import re

import psycopg2
import psycopg2.extras
import psycopg2.pool

from bioutils.assemblies import make_ac_name_map
from bioutils.digests import seq_md5
from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse

import hgvs
from ..dataproviders.interface import Interface
from ..exceptions import HGVSError, HGVSDataNotAvailableError
from .seqfetcher import SeqFetcher
import six

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _stage_from_version(version):
    """return "prd", "stg", or "dev" for the given version string.  A value is always returned"""
    if version:
        m = re.match(r"^(?P<xyz>\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(?P<extra>.*)", version)
        if m:
            return "stg" if"extra") else "prd"
    return "dev"

def _get_uta_db_url():
    """returns UTA DB URL based on environment variables and code version

    * if UTA_DB_URL is set, use that
    * Otherwise, if _UTA_URL_KEY is set, use that as the name of a
      config file entry and use the corresponding URL
    * Otherwise, 


    if "UTA_DB_URL" in os.environ:
        return os.environ["UTA_DB_URL"]

    if "_UTA_URL_KEY" in os.environ:
        url_key = os.environ["_UTA_URL_KEY"]
        sdlc = _stage_from_version(hgvs.__version__)
        url_key = "public_{sdlc}".format(sdlc=sdlc)
    return hgvs.global_config['uta'][url_key]

[docs]def connect(db_url=None, pooling=hgvs.global_config.uta.pooling, application_name=None, mode=None, cache=None): """Connect to a UTA database instance and return a UTA interface instance. :param db_url: URL for database connection :type db_url: string :param pooling: whether to use connection pooling (postgresql only) :type pooling: bool :param application_name: log application name in connection (useful for debugging; PostgreSQL only) :type application_name: str When called with an explicit db_url argument, that db_url is used for connecting. When called without an explicit argument, the function default is determined by the environment variable UTA_DB_URL if it exists, or hgvs.datainterface.uta.public_db_url otherwise. >>> hdp = connect() >>> hdp.schema_version() '1.1' The format of the db_url is driver://user:pass@host/database/schema (the same as that used by SQLAlchemy). Examples: A remote public postgresql database: postgresql://' A local postgresql database: postgresql://localhost/uta_dev/uta_20170707 For postgresql db_urls, pooling=True causes connect to use a psycopg2.pool.ThreadedConnectionPool. """ _logger.debug('connecting to ' + str(db_url) + '...') if db_url is None: db_url = _get_uta_db_url() url = _parse_url(db_url) if url.scheme == 'sqlite': conn = UTA_sqlite(url, mode, cache) elif url.scheme == 'postgresql': conn = UTA_postgresql( url=url, pooling=pooling, application_name=application_name, mode=mode, cache=cache) else: # fell through connection scheme cases raise RuntimeError("{url.scheme} in {url} is not currently supported".format(url=url))'connected to ' + str(db_url) + '...') return conn
[docs]class UTABase(Interface): required_version = "1.1" _queries = { "acs_for_protein_md5": """ select ac from seq_anno where seq_id=? """, "gene_info": """ select * from gene where hgnc=? """, # TODO: reconcile tx_exons query and build_tx_cigar # built_tx_cigar says it expects exons in transcript order, # but tx_exons isn't do that (on the - strand). "tx_exons": """ select * from tx_exon_aln_v where tx_ac=? and alt_ac=? and alt_aln_method=? order by alt_start_i """, "tx_for_gene": """ select hgnc, cds_start_i, cds_end_i, tx_ac, alt_ac, alt_aln_method from transcript T join exon_set ES on where alt_aln_method != 'transcript' and hgnc=? """, "tx_for_region": """ select tx_ac,alt_ac,alt_strand,alt_aln_method,min(start_i) as start_i,max(end_i) as end_i from exon_set ES join exon E on ES.exon_set_id=E.exon_set_id where alt_ac=? and alt_aln_method=? group by tx_ac,alt_ac,alt_strand,alt_aln_method having min(start_i) < ? and ? <= max(end_i) """, "tx_identity_info": """ select distinct(tx_ac), alt_ac, alt_aln_method, cds_start_i, cds_end_i, lengths, hgnc from tx_def_summary_v where tx_ac=? """, "tx_info": """ select hgnc, cds_start_i, cds_end_i, tx_ac, alt_ac, alt_aln_method from transcript T join exon_set ES on where tx_ac=? and alt_ac=? and alt_aln_method=? """, "tx_mapping_options": """ select distinct tx_ac,alt_ac,alt_aln_method from tx_exon_aln_v where tx_ac=? and exon_aln_id is not NULL """, "tx_seq": """ select seq from seq S join seq_anno SA on S.seq_id=SA.seq_id where ac=? """, "tx_similar": """ select * from tx_similarity_v where tx_ac1 = ? """, "tx_to_pro": """ select * from associated_accessions where tx_ac = ? order by pro_ac desc """, } def __init__(self, url, mode=None, cache=None): self.url = url self.seqfetcher = SeqFetcher() if mode != 'run': self._connect() super(UTABase, self).__init__(mode, cache) def __str__(self): return ( "{n} <data_version:{dv}; schema_version:{sv}; application_name={self.application_name};" " url={self.url}; sequences-from={sf}>").format( n=type(self).__name__, self=self, dv=self.data_version(), sv=self.schema_version(), sf=os.environ.get("HGVS_SEQREPO_DIR", "seqfetcher")) def _fetchone(self, sql, *args): with self._get_cursor() as cur: cur.execute(sql, *args) return cur.fetchone() def _fetchall(self, sql, *args): with self._get_cursor() as cur: cur.execute(sql, *args) return cur.fetchall() ############################################################################ # Queries
[docs] def data_version(self): return self.url.schema
[docs] def schema_version(self): return self._fetchone("select * from meta where key = 'schema_version'")['value']
[docs] def get_seq(self, ac, start_i=None, end_i=None): return self.seqfetcher.fetch_seq(ac, start_i, end_i)
[docs] def get_acs_for_protein_seq(self, seq): """ returns a list of protein accessions for a given sequence. The list is guaranteed to contain at least one element with the MD5-based accession (MD5_01234abc...def56789) at the end of the list. """ md5 = seq_md5(seq) return [r['ac'] for r in self._fetchall(self._queries['acs_for_protein_md5'], [md5]) ] + ['MD5_' + md5]
[docs] def get_gene_info(self, gene): """ returns basic information about the gene. :param gene: HGNC gene name :type gene: str # database results hgnc | ATM maploc | 11q22-q23 descr | ataxia telangiectasia mutated summary | The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the PI3/PI4-kinase family. This... aliases | AT1,ATA,ATC,ATD,ATE,ATDC,TEL1,TELO1 added | 2014-02-04 21:39:32.57125 """ return self._fetchone(self._queries['gene_info'], [gene])
[docs] def get_tx_exons(self, tx_ac, alt_ac, alt_aln_method): """ return transcript exon info for supplied accession (tx_ac, alt_ac, alt_aln_method), or None if not found :param tx_ac: transcript accession with version (e.g., 'NM_000051.3') :type tx_ac: str :param alt_ac: specific genomic sequence (e.g., NC_000011.4) :type alt_ac: str :param alt_aln_method: sequence alignment method (e.g., splign, blat) :type alt_aln_method: str # tx_exons = db.get_tx_exons('NM_199425.2', 'NC_000020.10', 'splign') # len(tx_exons) 3 tx_exons have the following attributes:: { 'tes_exon_set_id' : 98390 'aes_exon_set_id' : 298679 'tx_ac' : 'NM_199425.2' 'alt_ac' : 'NC_000020.10' 'alt_strand' : -1 'alt_aln_method' : 'splign' 'ord' : 2 'tx_exon_id' : 936834 'alt_exon_id' : 2999028 'tx_start_i' : 786 'tx_end_i' : 1196 'alt_start_i' : 25059178 'alt_end_i' : 25059588 'cigar' : '410=' } For example: # tx_exons[0]['tx_ac'] 'NM_199425.2' """ rows = self._fetchall(self._queries['tx_exons'], [tx_ac, alt_ac, alt_aln_method]) if len(rows) == 0: raise HGVSDataNotAvailableError( "No tx_exons for (tx_ac={tx_ac},alt_ac={alt_ac},alt_aln_method={alt_aln_method})". format(tx_ac=tx_ac, alt_ac=alt_ac, alt_aln_method=alt_aln_method)) # TODO: Check that end == transcript sequence length (but length N/A in current hdp) ex0 = 0 if (rows[0]["alt_strand"] == 1) else -1 if rows[ex0]["tx_start_i"] != 0: raise HGVSDataNotAvailableError( "Alignment is incomplete; cannot use transcript for mapping" "(tx_ac={tx_ac},alt_ac={alt_ac},alt_aln_method={alt_aln_method})".format( tx_ac=tx_ac, alt_ac=alt_ac, alt_aln_method=alt_aln_method)) return rows
[docs] def get_tx_for_gene(self, gene): """ return transcript info records for supplied gene, in order of decreasing length :param gene: HGNC gene name :type gene: str """ return self._fetchall(self._queries['tx_for_gene'], [gene])
[docs] def get_tx_for_region(self, alt_ac, alt_aln_method, start_i, end_i): """ return transcripts that overlap given region :param str alt_ac: reference sequence (e.g., NC_000007.13) :param str alt_aln_method: alignment method (e.g., splign) :param int start_i: 5' bound of region :param int end_i: 3' bound of region """ return self._fetchall(self._queries['tx_for_region'], [alt_ac, alt_aln_method, start_i, end_i])
[docs] def get_tx_identity_info(self, tx_ac): """returns features associated with a single transcript. :param tx_ac: transcript accession with version (e.g., 'NM_199425.2') :type tx_ac: str # database output -[ RECORD 1 ]--+------------- tx_ac | NM_199425.2 alt_ac | NM_199425.2 alt_aln_method | transcript cds_start_i | 283 cds_end_i | 1003 lengths | {707,79,410} hgnc | VSX1 """ rows = self._fetchall(self._queries['tx_identity_info'], [tx_ac]) if len(rows) == 0: raise HGVSDataNotAvailableError( "No transcript definition for (tx_ac={tx_ac})".format(tx_ac=tx_ac)) return rows[0]
[docs] def get_tx_info(self, tx_ac, alt_ac, alt_aln_method): """return a single transcript info for supplied accession (tx_ac, alt_ac, alt_aln_method), or None if not found :param tx_ac: transcript accession with version (e.g., 'NM_000051.3') :type tx_ac: str :param alt_ac: specific genomic sequence (e.g., NC_000011.4) :type alt_ac: str :param alt_aln_method: sequence alignment method (e.g., splign, blat) :type alt_aln_method: str # database output -[ RECORD 1 ]--+------------ hgnc | ATM cds_start_i | 385 cds_end_i | 9556 tx_ac | NM_000051.3 alt_ac | AC_000143.1 alt_aln_method | splign """ rows = self._fetchall(self._queries['tx_info'], [tx_ac, alt_ac, alt_aln_method]) if len(rows) == 0: raise HGVSDataNotAvailableError( "No tx_info for (tx_ac={tx_ac},alt_ac={alt_ac},alt_aln_method={alt_aln_method})". format(tx_ac=tx_ac, alt_ac=alt_ac, alt_aln_method=alt_aln_method)) elif len(rows) == 1: return rows[0] else: raise HGVSError("Multiple ({n}) replies for tx_info(tx_ac=" "{tx_ac},alt_ac={alt_ac},alt_aln_method={alt_aln_method})".format( n=len(rows), tx_ac=tx_ac, alt_ac=alt_ac, alt_aln_method=alt_aln_method))
[docs] def get_tx_mapping_options(self, tx_ac): """Return all transcript alignment sets for a given transcript accession (tx_ac); returns empty list if transcript does not exist. Use this method to discovery possible mapping options supported in the database :param tx_ac: transcript accession with version (e.g., 'NM_000051.3') :type tx_ac: str # database output -[ RECORD 1 ]--+------------ hgnc | ATM cds_start_i | 385 cds_end_i | 9556 tx_ac | NM_000051.3 alt_ac | AC_000143.1 alt_aln_method | splign -[ RECORD 2 ]--+------------ hgnc | ATM cds_start_i | 385 cds_end_i | 9556 tx_ac | NM_000051.3 alt_ac | NC_000011.9 alt_aln_method | blat """ rows = self._fetchall(self._queries['tx_mapping_options'], [tx_ac]) return rows
[docs] def get_similar_transcripts(self, tx_ac): """Return a list of transcripts that are similar to the given transcript, with relevant similarity criteria. >> sim_tx = hdp.get_similar_transcripts('NM_001285829.1') >> dict(sim_tx[0]) { 'cds_eq': False, 'cds_es_fp_eq': False, 'es_fp_eq': True, 'tx_ac1': 'NM_001285829.1', 'tx_ac2': 'ENST00000498907' } where: * cds_eq means that the CDS sequences are identical * es_fp_eq means that the full exon structures are identical (i.e., incl. UTR) * cds_es_fp_eq means that the cds-clipped portions of the exon structures are identical (i.e., ecluding. UTR) * Hint: "es" = "exon set", "fp" = "fingerprint", "eq" = "equal" "exon structure" refers to the start and end coordinates on a specified reference sequence. Thus, having the same exon structure means that the transcripts are defined on the same reference sequence and have the same exon spans on that sequence. """ rows = self._fetchall(self._queries['tx_similar'], [tx_ac]) return rows
[docs] def get_pro_ac_for_tx_ac(self, tx_ac): """Return the (single) associated protein accession for a given transcript accession, or None if not found.""" rows = self._fetchall(self._queries['tx_to_pro'], [tx_ac]) try: return rows[0]['pro_ac'] except IndexError: return None
[docs] def get_assembly_map(self, assembly_name): """return a list of accessions for the specified assembly name (e.g., GRCh38.p5) """ return make_ac_name_map(assembly_name)
[docs]class UTA_postgresql(UTABase): def __init__(self, url, pooling=hgvs.global_config.uta.pooling, application_name=None, mode=None, cache=None): if url.schema is None: raise Exception("No schema name provided in {url}".format(url=url)) self.application_name = application_name self.pooling = pooling self._conn = None super(UTA_postgresql, self).__init__(url, mode, cache) def __del__(self): self.close()
[docs] def close(self): if self.pooling: self._pool.closeall() else: if self._conn is not None: self._conn.close()
def _connect(self): if self.application_name is None: st = inspect.stack() self.application_name = os.path.basename(st[-1][1]) conn_args = dict( host=self.url.hostname, port=self.url.port, database=self.url.database, user=self.url.username, password=self.url.password, application_name=self.application_name + "/" + hgvs.__version__, ) if self.pooling:"Using UTA ThreadedConnectionPool") self._pool = psycopg2.pool.ThreadedConnectionPool( hgvs.global_config.uta.pool_min, hgvs.global_config.uta.pool_max, **conn_args) else: self._conn = psycopg2.connect(**conn_args) self._conn.autocommit = True self._ensure_schema_exists() # remap sqlite's ? placeholders to psycopg2's %s self._queries = {k: v.replace('?', '%s') for k, v in six.iteritems(self._queries)} def _ensure_schema_exists(self): # N.B. On AWS RDS, information_schema.schemata always returns zero rows r = self._fetchone("select exists(SELECT 1 FROM pg_namespace WHERE nspname = %s)", [self.url.schema]) if r[0]: return raise HGVSDataNotAvailableError("specified schema ({}) does not exist (url={})".format( self.url.schema, self.url)) @contextlib.contextmanager def _get_cursor(self, n_retries=1): """Returns a context manager for obtained from a single or pooled connection, and sets the PostgreSQL search_path to the schema specified in the connection URL. Although *connections* are threadsafe, *cursors* are bound to connections and are *not* threadsafe. Do not share cursors across threads. Use this funciton like this:: with hdp._get_cursor() as cur: # your code Do not call this function outside a contextmanager. """ n_tries_rem = n_retries + 1 while n_tries_rem > 0: try: conn = self._pool.getconn() if self.pooling else self._conn # autocommit=True obviates closing explicitly conn.autocommit = True cur = conn.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor) cur.execute("set search_path = {self.url.schema};".format(self=self)) yield cur # contextmanager executes these when context exits cur.close() if self.pooling: self._pool.putconn(conn) break except psycopg2.OperationalError: _logger.warning( "Lost connection to {url}; attempting reconnect".format(url=self.url)) if self.pooling: self._pool.closeall() self._connect() _logger.warning("Reconnected to {url}".format(url=self.url)) n_tries_rem -= 1 else: # N.B. Probably never reached raise HGVSError("Permanently lost connection to {url} ({n} retries)".format( url=self.url, n=n_retries))
[docs]class ParseResult(urlparse.ParseResult): """Subclass of url.ParseResult that adds database and schema methods, and provides stringification. """ def __new__(cls, pr): return super(ParseResult, cls).__new__(cls, *pr) @property def database(self): path_elems = self.path.split("/") return path_elems[1] if len(path_elems) > 1 else None @property def schema(self): path_elems = self.path.split("/") return path_elems[2] if len(path_elems) > 2 else None def __str__(self): return self.geturl()
def _parse_url(db_url): """parse database connection urls into components UTA database connection URLs follow that of SQLAlchemy, except that a schema may be optionally specified after the database. The skeleton format is: driver://user:pass@host/database/schema >>> params = _parse_url("driver://user:pass@host:9876/database/schema") >>> params.scheme u'driver' >>> params.hostname u'host' >>> params.username u'user' >>> params.password u'pass' >>> params.database u'database' >>> params.schema u'schema' """ return ParseResult(urlparse.urlparse(db_url)) if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod() # <LICENSE> # Copyright 2018 HGVS Contributors ( # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # </LICENSE>